Ascott Huaishu Road Ningbo

Traffic and Location Map

Ascott Huaishu Road Ningbo is ideally located in the urban riverside area of Huaishu Road in the prosperous Jiangbei District of Ningbo. Its strategic location connects the Old Bund and Ningbo Grand Theatre, while also providing guests with easy access to the city's most famous attraction, the Drum Tower. In addition, it fully integrates the neighbourhood's scenes of dining, entertainment, shopping, and art parks to satisfy diverse lifestyles of guests. The property is approximately 1km from Bund Bridge Station of Metro Line 2, approximately 5km from Ningbo Railway Station by car, and approximately 17km from Ningbo Lishe International Airport.

Getting to Ascott Huaishu Road Ningbo

Ningbo Lishe International Airport

By taxi: Approximately 17km and costs about CNY40.

Ningbo Railway Station

By taxi: Approximately 5km and costs about CNY18.

Ningbo Railway Station(By taxi: Approximately 5km and costs about CNY18. )

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Nearby Apartment
1Room, 1Adult

1 child under 6 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.

1 child under 2 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.




