
Check in and Check out

Check in from 02:00 PM Check out until 12:00 PM

Language our staff speak

Chinese or English

Airport Transfer service is available

Airport transfer service is available upon request. Additional charges apply.

Cards accepted at this property

Children and Extra Bed

> Children are welcomed.
> Child under the age of two stay free of charge when using exsiting beds.
> Child under the age of two stay free of charge when using the crib. Some of rooms can accommodate one crib.

Getting to Location of Location of Somerset Southbay Zhuhai

Zhuhai Jinwan Airport:

By taxi: Approximately 38 kilometres and costs about CNY160.

Zhuhai Railway Station

By taxi: Approximately 12 kilometres and costs about CNY50.

Jiuzhou Port

By taxi: Approximately 19 kilometres and costs about CNY75.

Shizimen Railway Station

By taxi: Approximately 3 kilometres and costs about CNY15.

Hengqin Port

By taxi: Approximately 10 kilometres and costs about CNY30.

Changlong Railway Station

By taxi: Approximately 14 kilometres and costs about CNY55.

Nearest public transport from Location of Somerset Southbay Zhuhai

Baoshun Road Bus Station

By feet: Approximately 120 metres and walking distance will take about 2 minutes

Online Chat

Chat agent is available

Nearby Apartment
1Room, 1Adult

1 child under 6 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.

1 child under 2 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.




